The City of Hollister Board of Aldermen will have a regularly scheduled meeting Thursday, December 15th, at 7:00pm at City Hall. Visit our website at https://www.cityofhollister.com/government/city_clerk/agendas_and_minutes/index.php# to view the agenda. Contact our City Clerk for more details or questions.

Please be advised, Birch Street between Mall Road and Industrial Park Drive will be down to one north bound lane through Friday. Please use caution and watch for workers in this area.

Stepping up to the Hulland Park Christmas Tree this week are John Hagey and Alice Yeager from the Hollister Area Chamber of Commerce. The Hollister Chamber is always the first to jump in and support an initiative for the City of Hollister. From raising donations for our annual July 4th Fireworks, to celebrating Christmas on Downing Street, and everything in between, the Hollister Chamber is a prime example of a community partner. We are grateful for John, Alice and the entire Chamber Family and we hope you love this week's Hulland Park Christmas Tree.

Have you ever wondered about the artists that painted the Downing Street Mural? For the next seven weeks, we will feature one of the artists. This week we start with the project coordinator from Southern Missouri Arts Connection, Christine Riutzel. Ms. Riutzel painted the fish section and shares why she chose this concept. To learn more about the artist, visit her website, www.beautyfromlight.com or @beautyfromlight.

The City of Hollister Planning Commission will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6:00pm at City Hall. Visit our website at https://www.cityofhollister.com/government/city_clerk/agendas_and_minutes/index.php# to view the agenda. Contact our City Clerk for more information.

As our winter season approaches, take a moment to review the snow removal schedule for the City of Hollister. We have listed the main streets that will be cleared first, then followed by those not listed. We also ask that you keep streets and cul-da-sacs open to allow for our equipment to remove the snow.

Remember Santa is watching. . .but he needs your help!! Last night the Christmas decorations in downtown Hollister were vandalized. Contact our Police Department if you notice suspicious activity taking place.

Please be advised shoulder work will begin today on the east side of Birch Street between Mall Road and Industrial Park Drive. Please use caution and watch for workers when traveling in this area.

This week, Wendy Youngblood of Modern Woodman has joined the City of Hollister to pick the Hulland Park Christmas Tree design. Wendy has been a proud supporter of the Hulland Park Pavilion and all things Hollister. We are thankful for our partnership with Wendy and Modern Woodman, and hope you enjoy the Christmas Tree as much as we do.

Public works will begin maintenance on the entrance to Hulland Park today, December 6th. The park drive will be closed to traffic Monday - Friday, 8am until 3pm daily. Work is expected to take place for two weeks.

Congratulations to Mayor Lamar Patton for being honored as the Hollister R-V School District’s Community Spotlight Member for December. Mayor Patton cares deeply for the success of our students and demonstrates his love of the Tigers through his community leadership. Congratulations Mayor Patton, GO TIGERS!!

Santa in the Park is today from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in Chad A Fuqua Memorial Park next to City Hall. Be advised of increased traffic and please watch for pedestrians during this time. Come down and join the Hollister Chamber and visit with Santa and his reindeer.

The HACC kicks off the new year with it's annual fundraising banquet while celebrating it's members and our community in true "Hollister" style. The focus is on working together as a TEAM to benefit Hollister and the surrounding area. Visit the Hollister Chamber's website to reserve your seat today. https://hollisterareachamberofcommerce.wildapricot.org/

Have you stopped by Hulland Park to visit our Christmas Tree lately? Each week the design changes, and this week our special guest Mrs. Renea Daniels has chosen the design. As key supporters of the Hollister Community and the Hulland Park Pavilion, we are thankful for our partnership with Sheriff and Mrs. Daniels, and are excited to share the Christmas Tree with them.

The City of Hollister Board of Aldermen will have a regularly scheduled meeting Thursday, December 1st, at 7:00pm at City Hall. Visit our website to view the agenda. Contact our City Clerk for more details or questions.

The alley near Dollar General on State Hwy BB will be closed to through traffic through the week. Please use caution in this area and watch for workers.

The City of Hollister accepts debit and credit card payments online for your utility statement. Visit our website https://www.cityofhollister.com/online_bill_pay/index.php to make your payment today.

Happy Thanksgiving from the City of Hollister. As a reminder, City Hall will be closed November 24th and 25th for the holiday.

We invite you to Downing Street this season to enjoy the restaurants, shops and holiday lights. Remember to visit your new 20 foot LED-lit Christmas tree often as we update the design weekly.

The Hollister Area Chamber of Commerce presents their annual free, family friendly event. . .Santa in the Park, Sunday, December 4th, 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Enjoy hot chocolate, cookies, popcorn and a visit with Santa Claus and a reindeer. Contact the Hollister Chamber for more information, 417-334-3050.