The City of Hollister's Board of Aldermen will hold their regularly scheduled meeting this Thursday, November 7th, at 7:00pm at City Hall. Please visit to view the agenda. Contact our City Clerk for more information.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Board of Aldermen Meeting Reminder
MODOT has closed State Hwy 76 between Knox Ave., and the Traffic Circle in Hollister for road repairs. North Knox will be open for some traffic but avoid if possible, expect delays. This will be closed for an undetermined amount of time. Please find an alternate route.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Road Closure
The City of Hollister's Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:00pm. Please visit to view the details and contact our City Clerk, for more information.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Board of Adjustment Public Hearing
The Hollister and Branson Area is under a Flood Watch until 6:00am and a Tornado Watch until 9:00pm. For more information from the National Weather Service check their website at www.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Severe Weather
The General Election is tomorrow, November 5th. A sample ballot may be found at Review your polling location at Contact the County Clerk for more information.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Vote November 5th
The City of Hollister will celebrate Downing Street Christmas at our annual tree lighting event, this evening at 6:00pm. Please use caution when traveling downtown during this time and be alert to increased pedestrians.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Downing Street Christmas
Plan to join the City of Hollister at our annual Downing Street Christmas Tree Lighting on Friday, November 1st. Beginning at 6:00pm, Mayor Patton will proclaim Downing Street Christmas to begin. We will have performances from the Hollister School Choirs, Premiere Dance Academy and provide seasonally-themed refreshments with our very special guest, Santa Claus, lighting the tree. Contact City Hall for more information.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Downing Street Christmas
Remember to vote in the upcoming General Election, Tuesday, November 5th. A sample ballot may be found at Contact the County Clerk for more information.
3 months ago, City of Hollister
Vote November 5th
In its upcoming art exhibit, Southern Missouri Arts Connection (SMAC) will be featuring the work of Sophia Nangle, a Branson native now living and working in Kansas City. Her solo exhibit, Divius Figura, will run from November 1-30 at the SMAC Art Center gallery on historic Downing Street in Hollister. Nangle’s work is an exploration into what it means to be human. An opening night reception will be held Friday, November 1, from 6-9 p.m. Both the exhibit and reception are free and open to the public. Attendees may view the exhibit, tour the private studios and enjoy complimentary refreshments. The Vintage Paris Coffee kiosk will also be on site. Visit to view the full news release.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
SMAC Gallery Opening
The City of Hollister's Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing to discuss a Special Use Permit request at 246 Redbud Street at 7:00pm on November 7th. Please view the notice at and contact our City Clerk,
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Public Hearing Notice
The City of Hollister will host Trunk-or-Treat on Downing Street this evening from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Please be alert to increased traffic and pedestrians throughout downtown during this time.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Trunk or Treat on Downing Street
The City of Hollister is hiring!!! Visit to view the details and find the application packet at Contact Human Resources, for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Finance Clerk
Operations Technician
Patrol Officer
WWTP Technician
Trunk-or-Treat on Downing Street is this Friday, October 25th. Join the City of Hollister downtown for a safe trick or treat event from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Contact City Hall for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Trunk or Treat on Downing Street
Remember to vote in the upcoming General Election, Tuesday, November 5th. A sample ballot may be found at Contact the County Clerk for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Vote November 5th
Join the Hollister Police Department as they partner with the ADAPT Coalition to take back unused or expired medication. They will be at the Hollister Walgreens this Saturday. Visit for more details, including additional locations in Branson and Kimberling City.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
DEA National Drug Take Back
Plan to join the City of Hollister at our annual Downing Street Christmas Tree Lighting on Friday, November 1st. Beginning at 6:00pm, Mayor Patton will proclaim Downing Street Christmas to begin. We will have performances from the Hollister School Choirs, Premiere Dance Academy and provide seasonally-themed refreshments with our very special guest, Santa Claus, lighting the tree. Contact City Hall for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Downing Street Christmas
Sign up to be a "trunk" in this year's Trunk-or-Treat on Downing Street. We are looking for participants to decorate and pass out candy during the event, Friday, October 25th. Contact our Parks Director Jeramie Brannon, or 417-331-2241 for more information or to sign up today as space is limited.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Trunk or Treat on Downing Street
Trunk or Treat on Downing Street
The City of Hollister's Board of Aldermen will hold their regularly scheduled meeting this Thursday, October 17th at 7:00pm at City Hall. Please visit to view the agenda. Contact our City Clerk, for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Board of Aldermen Meeting Reminder
The City of Hollister’s Finance Department is hiring!!! Visit to view the details and find the application packet at Contact Human Resources, for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Now Hiring Finance Clerk
The City of Hollister's Park Board will hold their regularly scheduled meeting this Tuesday, October 15th, at 6:00pm at City Hall. Visit to view the agenda. Contact our City Clerk, for more information.
4 months ago, City of Hollister
Park Board Meeting Reminder